Lesson Plans for February 17-21, 2020

TEKS for the Week:  A.10A, A.10B, A.10C, A.10.D, A.10.E, A.10.F

Monday: President’s Day- Teacher and student holiday

Tuesday: : 7.2 Multiplying Polynomials; HOMEWORK – pg. 349 selected problems 

Wednesday: 7.3 Special Products of Polynomials using algebra tiles and practice problems; HOMEWORK- TBD

Thursday: more practice with 7.3 with and without algebra tiles; HOMEWORK- TBD

Friday: 7.4 Dividing Polynomials with algebra tiles and practice problems; HOMEWORK- TBD

Lesson Plans for February 10-14, 2020

***Monday through Thursday we will be benchmark testing in the AM.  In the afternoon we will be going over the Algebra benchmark and making corrections. 


Tuesday: BENCHMARK TESTING – Reading

Wednesday: BENCHMARK TESTING – Science

Thursday:  BENCHMARK TESTING – Social Studies

Friday: 7.1 Notes on Polynomial vocabulary (degree, leading coefficients, standard form); HOMEWORK- TBD

Lesson Plans for February 3-7, 2020

TEKS for the WEEK: A.9.A, A.9.B, A.9.C, A.9.D, A.9.E, A.11.A, A.11.B, A.12.C, A.12.D

Monday: Chapter 6 Review; HOMEWORK- finish the review and check your answers on google classroom

Tuesday: Ch.6 Review and begin geometric sequences; HOMEWORK- study for the test

Wednesday: Chapter 6 TEST; NO HOMEWORK

Thursday: Geometric Sequences; HOMEWORK- practice problems from the text

Friday: Arithmetic Sequences; HOMEWORK- practice problems from the text

Lesson Plans for January 27-31, 2020

TEKS for the WEEK:A.9.A, A.9.B, A.9.C, A.9.D, A.9.E

Monday: 6.3E Writing an Exponential Function using Technology (exponential regression on a graphing calculator); HOMEWORK- Watch video on Exponential Regression example 1 and complete notes. Then watch video on Exponential Regression example 2 and complete notes. *** Video needs correction to calculator directions.

Tuesday: 6.3B Graphing Exponential Functions in the form of y=ab^x when b>1 and when 0<b<1 (also identify the y-intercept and asymptote), determining domain and range, and 6.3D Solving Real-life problems (writing an exponential function from a graph); NO HOMEWORK


Thursday: more practice with 6.3B and 6.3D; HOMEWORK- pg. 296-297 #21-30, 41-44

Friday: 6.4 Compound Interest; HOMEWORK- TBD

Lesson Plans for January 20-24, 2020

TEKS for the Week: A.9.A, A.9.B, A.9.C, A.9.D, A.9.E

Monday: MLK Day – School holiday

Tuesday: Begin notes over 6.3A Identifying and Evaluating Exponential Functions; NO HOMEWORK

Wednesday: QUIZ over 6.1-6.2; Exponential Function booklet- page 1 – Identifying and evaluating exponential functions; HOMEWORK- pg. 296 #5-20

Thursday: Exponential Function booklet- page 2 – Identifying the initial amount, growth/decay rate, growth/decay factor in y-a(1+r)^t and y=a(1-r)^t; HOMEWORK- pg 305 #5, 7, 11, 12, 19, 21, 23, 25

Friday: Exponential Function booklet- page 3 – Writing an exponential function when given the a and r in a verbal description; HOMEWORK- pg.305 #13-16, 27-29